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Dream Big 114

There are times in our lives when things do not go as planned. No matter how much we want them to go the way we want them to, life simply doesn’t work that way. I have had a week exactly like this. Don’t get me wrong; I did have a wonderful surprise too. I was asked to be a guest on a local radio show called, The Morning After, on 94Z. I had a blast, it was so much fun hanging out in the studio, and Jake, and Tory were so incredibly cool. The best part was finally getting to talk about Dream Big on a different media platform other than just the interwebs. I couldn’t have been anymore pleased to help share what the show is really about which of course is our guests, and what they are doing to make their dreams happen. To be honest that was the highlight of my week, and I’m good with that.

Although, I did not fair as well at the Punk Rock Flea-Market event; as far as selling any of the Dream Big merchandise, but hey it happens. It was my first flea-market, and was so wonderfully set up, especially having the bands play, and they were awesome. Unfortunately, it was really hot outside, and I was ill-prepared for the heat. The vendor next to us was nice enough to hook a girl up with a bottled water which helped a lot, because I was going to pass out from dehydration if she hadn’t. Like I said, ill-prepared. I did enjoy meeting new people and promoting the show; I even did a little talent scouting for future guests.

Sunday wrapped up the week, as well as our season, as we celebrated in style at The Open Chord. I was so grateful for the management to allow us to have our Season 3 Wrap Party there, and we had a great time. I also had an amazing photo shoot with the legendary Bob Cassady, and let me tell you that shoot was incredible. We were able to capture the coolest new promo images for the next season of the show, and several more we took just for fun; which our Producer Will Allman captured live on Facebook. The group photos that were taken of the Dream Team were the most fun of all because we were being silly, and just having a great time. I even managed to get one last behind the scenes clip in to wrap the season up in style. We will have five more episodes of Season 3 to air, and then it will be a nice long break for us until we start filming Season 4. Until then, you can enjoy all of the previous Dream Big episodes until the new season begins. I want to thank you so much for supporting us, we couldn’t be doing this without all the true friends and fans of the show, thank you. We all have our ups and downs no matter what we try to plan; life simply takes over. Don’t focus on what is going wrong, focus on what is going right, and always dream big.

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