Always Dream Big
The Call Of The Universe… In 1997 I came out of the broom closet, but occasionally I have had to shove my broom to the back of the closet...

Always Dream Big
New Witch’s Year, New Column… In 2015, I began a column called Dream Big. It then became a online show, and then it faded away with time....

Dream Big 142 Farewell To Thee, 2019...
Twenty-nineteen was an incredible year. In what seemed to be in the blink of an eye, this year has been incredible, surprising,...

Dream Big 141Special Edition (Dreams Do Come True)
a·chieve·ment /əˈCHēvmənt/ noun a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill."to reach this stage is a great...

Dream Big 140 Special Announcement (A new addition to our famiglia.)
There comes a time in everyone’s life when a great change occurs. It could be one of many different things like, getting married, having...

Dream Big 139 Special Edition (The Amulet of Elements Official Book Trailer)
I can not tell you enough how incredibly proud I am to share with you all the things that has happened within the past few weeks... My...

Dream Big 138 Special Edition (Book Title/Cover Reveal)
It has been almost nine years since I wrote my very first novel. I spent well over eight years trying to get it published. I have over a...

Dream Big 137 Special Announcement
For the past few months I have been sharing my publishing journey with all of you, and today I am sharing some really exciting news. On...

Dream Big 136
Everyone has experienced a first in life. A first smile, first steps, first tooth, first kiss, first love, and even the first heartbreak....

Dream Big 135 Special Edition (The Story Behind the Story)
When my daughter was only a few months old I had a mystical dream about a princess, her four older brothers, and how she became the one...