Dream Big 139 Special Edition (The Amulet of Elements Official Book Trailer)

I can not tell you enough how incredibly proud I am to share with you all the things that has happened within the past few weeks... My debut high fantasy novel The Amulet of Elements was published by Seventh Star Press, and was released August 27, 2019 the day before my birthday. The emotions that I had felt on that day was indescribable. I have never felt so relieved, nervous, excited, happy, and disbelief all at the same time. I never thought anything could top that until the author copy of the book came in. I made sure to share the moment with everyone so I went live on my Facebook page. Again, the emotions ran high, and were so overwhelming that I couldn’t believe that the book I had given my all to, and tried to get published for almost nine years was finally in my hands. The blood, sweat, and tears that I had put into my word document was now a printed book. I know that I was overjoyed, and also at the same time sad, because my dad was never going to be able to read it. I do hope that from Valhalla he can see that I had finally made my dream of becoming a published author come true. The very next week we celebrated at the Book Release Party. I can’t tell you enough just how happy I was to have all of my friends in attendance to celebrate with me. I want to thank all of you who attended, and all of my favorite entertainers who came out and shared their talents with us. You all were so wonderful, and I am so grateful and so lucky that you are all a part of my life. I couldn’t have done this without your love and support, thank you so much to Kris, Danny, Raven, Jennifer, Gage&Ashley, Lance, Rose, Les, Doug, Micheal, the NeuRosies, The Handsome Night Lobsters, The Knox By Night Band, Ashley, and Randy. And a huge thanks to all of our sponsors too for donating all of the cool prizes for our raffle, The Mystic Orb, The Black Cat, Matthew Atchley , August Aguilar, Nature’s Health and Beauty, Jefferson Barbershop, The Hemp Alternative, Taylor Shea Photography, Jessica Klaaren Jewelry, The Other One, Shear Vibe Salon, Oneida Zombie Fest, Mythical Markings Tattoo Studio, and especially Outlander Media Network for filming the live performances. Thank you all so much. I also want to thank the amazing staff at The Open Chord that worked that night and who created a special drink menu based on three of the main characters from the book, and of course for just being awesome, thank you. You all made that night so incredible, thank you so much. These past few weeks have been the best of my life. I still have to pinch myself on occasion. It has not only been overwhelming, but it has been very exciting too. Now I am so thrilled to introduce a special project that three very special people have joined together to create. I know that this may seem a little backwards to a few who know that this part usually comes before the book actually comes out. I want to personally thank Gage Sharp for creating such a beautiful music score, Cam Chaney who’s voiceover delivers the narrative seamlessly, and to Randy Humphrey who created the visual artwork, the visual effects, the sound mastering, and brought it all together. Thank you all so much for your creative work on this project. I am so proud to share, the official book trailer for The Amulet of Elements with you. Please enjoy. Look into your heart to see what you are passionate about. Never doubt that you can achieve your goals; I am living proof that you can. Never give up what is in your heart, and always, dream big...