Dream Big 90 (Dream Big S2 E10: My Interview with La Basura Del Diablo)

We have arrived to the 90th Dream Big! I can not believe that only ten more remain until we reach the 100th! Do you remember our first episode of Dream Big? I had the lead singer Whitey Mack, of La Basura Del Diablo, as my first guest. I was so nervous, but I honestly think we both were at that time, and it ended up being a pretty good first episode of the show. Now that I've had some experience hosting, and acting, I'm no longer that stiff, nervous, hostess you met two seasons ago. Time does fly, and so does the season; it can really get away from you when you're having as much fun as the Dream Team and I do, along with our guests. If you could only see the outtake reels, and perhaps one day you will; but for now let's talk about the Season Finale...
First, I want to thank my guest La Basura Del Diablo for being on Dream Big. Second, it was such a pleasure to have Whitey Mack back on the show. Third, to hang out with the rest of the guys from the band, and have them share their dreams with me was incredible. We had an absolute blast filming the show, and I'll have some more super cool behind the scenes footage I'll post on the Dream Big Facebook Page, sometime after this airs. The band will also be talking about their new upcoming album, tour dates, and what their advice is to others who are chasing their dreams. Until then, you don't want to miss this episode, this ultimate season finale that is yet to come, is finally here for you, the fans.
In order to defeat self-doubt and fear, you must first trust that gut feeling, believe what your heart tells you, and always dream big.